
Dormouse Dreams is closely connected to a small Hogspital  (Hedgehog Rehabilitation and Release unit) in East Suffolk. It is through this connection that we can source real hedgehog spines. These are collected from the floors of the Hogspital hedgehog accommodation and have dropped naturally. They are not harvested directly from the skins of living hedgehogs. Hedgehogs lose a few spines each day naturally, just as we lose hair and animals lose fur. It is part of the natural turnover of spines.

The spines are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and dried before they’re included in resin jewellery.

Profits from sale of our Real Hedgehog Jewellery items go directly to support the running costs of our local Hogspital which are otherwise met directly out of the pockets of the Hog Doc running the Hogspital, completely out of love for this amazing animal.

Sick and injured animals are taken for treatment and supportive care from local vets and interested individuals. Conditions  that are treated include malnutrition and dehydration, lungworm, capillaria, coccidiosis, fleas, ticks, sarcoptic mange, ringworm, pneumonia, abscesses, fractured limbs, strimmer injuries, dog bites and bird attacks…. the list is almost endless. Not all the battles are won, but out of 22 patients in 2022—2023 at the Hogspital, 19 have been returned healthy and well-fed to the wild, to live the wild life they were meant to live. None are ever kept as pets -keeping any wildlife as a pet is illegal. The Hog Doc has trained with experienced local rehabbers and at the Vale Wildlife Hospital , and carries out diagnostic microscopy when it’s needed for a poorly hog or hoglet.

Costs to be met include hardware -runs and houses, cages, feeding equipment, bedding material, microscopy hardware; medical supplies -antibiotics, antiparasitics, painkillers, wound treatments. Drugs must be prescribed by a vet but are paid for privately. And of course, food -lots of it!

Hedgehogs in the United Kingdom have declined from an estimated population of 30 million in the 1950s, to less than 1 million now. They are classified as “At risk of extinction” -a step further than “Endangered”. Their decline continues in rural areas, but research indicates that they may be increasing in numbers in urban settings. Hedgehogs are beautiful and sophisticated but ancient creatures. The first hedgehogs existed alongside the last dinosaurs!

If you love hedgehogs, you can support them and keep a little bit of them with you by buying our Real Hedgehog Jewellery.

We also have a small supply of a fabulous children’s book, “Spikey”, generously donated by the author, Tereza Anteneovà, to support the Hogspital. All proceeds of sales of this book go directly to our Hogspital. You can read all about the book here:


You can find out more about hedgehogs through these links:

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society

The People’s Trust for Endangered Species

The Vale Wildlife Hospital

Hedgehog Street